Actually, I've decided that dispatch_apply is inappropriate to what I am doing. Rather, I've taken the loop out of the hands of dispatch and populated the queue with repeated calls to dispatch_async. From watching the WWDC video I got the idea that dispatch_apply would be more efficient, but that turns out not to be the case here.
From your link I gather that OpenGL uses left hand coordinates but they end up as right hand coordinates by the projection matrix transform. All I know is that in porting a project from OpenGL, in which I designed my geometry with right hand coordinates, to Metal I found that everything came out **** backward. Would you know how to set up a Metal projection matrix so that it works the same as in OpenGL?
I'm using older (10-15yr) Apple keyboards. I swapped out the keyboard with another with no change. My system is: iMac (24-inch, M1, 2021). Testing in XCode, the 10 number keys and the decimal point no longer generate Keyboard NSEvents. All the other keys( + - * = etc) on the numeric keypad side work normally. Curiously, the 5 key on the number pad generates a mouseUp event.
That is what I'm doing. When the user selects a color with the Color Well an action message is sent to the App. The App composes an NSImage with that color and sends a setImage message to the appropriate Buttons with the new Image.
I don't think threading is the issue. All the interaction with the UI is on the main thread's run loop.
setINeedsDispay: is a message sent to the NSButton object. That has nothing to do with the run loop. It should result in the view object redrawing itself during the next render pass.
The function NSString NSHomeDirectory() gives a path to the user's sandboxed disk area in user/Library/containers: eg.
inline-code-(NSString *)pathToDatabase
NSString *path;
path = [NSHomeDirectory() stringByAppendingPathComponent: @"Library/Application Support"];
return path;